Drivers in Foley, AL can count on Southern Risk Associates when they are in the market for auto insurance. Whether you are a new driver or just new to the area, you will be treated like the neighbor that you are.
Alabama has basic insurance requirements all drivers must follow. You need to carry liability coverage which protects other drivers and property from an accident you are responsible for. The minimum is 25/50/25, $25,000 for the first person injured in an accident, and a max of $50,000 plus $25,000 for damaged property.
Drivers who rent or lease their vehicles are required to carry more than just liability insurance. Since the lender or lessor still owns your vehicle, they want to make sure it is protected too. This means you need to have collision insurance and comprehensive insurance in addition to the mandated liability insurance.
Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle resulting from an accident where you are the at-fault driver. Every vehicle has a value and depending on how much damage your vehicle has sustained. The insurance company will decide to let you get the vehicle repaired. If they feel the damage would cost more than the vehicle's value, they may declare it a total loss. In either case, the amount will be minus whatever deductible you have on your policy.
Comprehensive coverage is for damage your vehicle sustained that you had no control over. It can be weather-related, such as high winds causing a branch to fall on your vehicle or a violent hailstorm that causes damage to your vehicle. Deer are hazards hard to avoid and the damage to your vehicle from the actual animal hitting it, or the avoidance is covered. If your car is stolen or vandalized, comprehensive coverage will be there for you. Glass coverage is also one of the most common claims.
When you need auto insurance, contact Southern Risk Associates in Foley, AL.